About me


  • 2020.09 - Now: Assistant Professor of Data Science, NYU Shanghai

  • 2019.09 - 2020.08: Assistant Professor Faculty Fellow of Data Science, NYU Shanghai

  • 2017.09 - 2019.08: Assistant Professor/Courant Instructor at Courant Institute of Mathematical Science and the Center for Data Science, NYU


  • 2012.09 - 2017.06: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, UC Davis. Advisor: Thomas Strohmer

  • 2014.09 - 2016.06: M.S. in Statistics, UC Davis

  • 2008.09 - 2012.06: B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai

Brief bio

Shuyang Ling is currently an Assistant Professor of Data Science at NYU Shanghai. He received Ph.D. degree in 2017 at Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis, under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Strohmer. After that, he worked as a Courant Instructor at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (CIMS) and Center for Data Science from 2017 to 2019. His research interests focus on the mathematics of data science and machine learning, optimization, and probability. The researches have been published in the journals such as FOCM, MP, SIOPT, SIIMS, ACHA, IEEE-IT, JMLR, IP, etc. His research is supported by NSFC, National Major R&D Program, and national/Shanghai talent programs.


凌舒扬现任职于上海纽约大学,是数据科学的长聘轨助理教授。在加入上海纽约大学之前,他于2017年至2019年在纽约大学柯朗数学研究所和数据科学研究所担任柯朗讲师。他在2017年6月从加州大学戴维斯分校应用数学专业获得博士学位。他的研究兴趣主要在数据科学、信息科学、优化和信号处理等,近年来的工作主要在深度学习中的基本原理,以及前沿问题例如扩散模型、注意力机制以及隐式偏好等问题,主要成果发表在如FOCM, MP, SIOPT, SIIMS, ACHA, IEEE-IT, JMLR, IP等杂志上。他的研究获得多项国家自然科学基金、科技部国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、上海市青年东方学者、上海市海外高层次人才计划和国家级海外青年高层次人才计划的支持。