Mathematical Foundation of Data Science and Machine Learning

This website is under construction. Course information is subject to change.

Course Objective: An introduction to various topics of modern data science and machine learning. Prerequisites include calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory at the undergraduate level.

Instructor: Shuyang LING (

Lecture Time/Location: 1:15PM - 2:30PM on Mondays and Wednesdays, PDNG 213

Discussion/Recitation: 1:15PM - 2:30PM on Fridays, PDNG 213. This part will be used to discuss course projects.

Office hours: Room 1162-3

  • Time TBD

* We will meet on Zoom due to the shutdown of academic building.

Textbook: The course consists of various topics. I will provide lecture notes and reading materials throughout of the course. Here are several references:

Grading policy:

  • Homework 40%

  • Final project 60%


Due date
Homework 1 Feb 27
Homework 2 Mar 10
Homework 3 Mar 19
Homework 4 Apr 9
Homework 5 May 7
Homework 6 May 15

Late homework will not be accepted. Only a subset of problems will be graded.

Course schedule: The slides will be updated after each lecture. It is the first time this course is taught. The notes inevitably contain typos.

Date Topics Lecture notes
Feb 17 SVD Lecture 1-3
Feb 19 SVD
Feb 24 PCA
Feb 26 High-dim geometry Lecture 4-5
Mar 2 High-dim geometry
Mar 4 k-means Lecture 6
Mar 9 Spectral clustering Lecture 7-8
Mar 11 Graph Laplacian
Mar 16 Ratio/normalized cut Lecture 9
Mar 18 Diffusion mapsLecture 10-11
Mar 21 Diffusion maps
Mar 23 t-SNE Lecture 12
Mar 25 Maxcut Lecture 13-14
Mar 30 Maxcut
Apr 1 Convex relaxation of graph cut Lecture 15
Apr 6 Stochastic block model Lecture 16
Apr 8 Concentration inequality Lecture 17-18
Apr 11 Concentration inequality
Apr 13 Matrix concentration Lecture 19
Apr 15 Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma Lecture 20
Apr 20 Matrix multiplication via random sampling Lecture 21-22
Apr 22 Matrix multiplication via random sampling
Apr 27 Graph sparsification Lecture 23
Apr 29 Compressive sensing Lecture 24-25
May 4 Compressive sensing
May 6 Low-rank model Lecture 26-27
May 11 Low-rank model
May 13 Project presentation